“Shame is a weapon that can wound, sometimes fatally. I have this theory, that hidden inside the things we are made to feel the most ashamed of, lie the instructions to our salvation. What you are shamed for, might be the key to who you are. What you are ashamed of, might be what makes you irresistible. What you fear others seeing, looking at, finding out about, might reveal the only way any of us get free. I wish so desperately for us to be free”
— from “a chaos queen talks shame resilience”
“So I will keep reading these faerie novels until I find a better container for my desires. I will keep telling people that their faces are put together perfectly. I will keep responding to people's instagram stories like we are already dating. I will keep fantasizing about getting fingered by a faerie lord. I will keep writing this substack. I will keep oversharing, also known as saying the things we should be talking about anyways. I will keep telling people what I love about them. I will keep devouring books and dating shows. I will keep having crushes that lead nowhere. I will do all of this and more. Until I find another way, a better way, to drain some of this power. Until I find someone willing to empty out a filing cabinet for me.”
— from “welcome to: a touchy subject”
“In that field of stars I cried. I learned that I wanted to belong to something. I asked the ridge, the sky, if it would be alright to belong to them. A lighting bolt cracked through the trees. They’d accepted my offer. A breeze whipped my hair, telling me that you don’t have to be outdoorsy to belong to the earth, you just do.”
— from “meet me at eagle ridge”